Money Money Money

This topic creates many discussions and rightly so! Money has enslaved us and we spend our whole life trying to achieve financial stability but every time we feel close to getting there the goal posts change – fuel prices rise, taxes go up, property prices rise etc etc. We research the banking industry and discover the lies we’re told and how the bankers are rarely punished, more often given big bonuses, while the rest of us suffer even more.

Therefore, people with money must be bad too – right? After all they’re part of the system too.

Is this the healthiest way to regard people who’ve, in general, worked incredibly hard to get their money? Yes there are some people who inherit money but that’s through no fault of their own so are we right to demonise them too? “Spoilt, born with a silver spoon in their mouth, daddy’s money,” are some of the terms we use to describe children born into wealth.

Yet from my experience the only way we are going to get through this time in our lives is by joining together no matter what our backgrounds.

Thanks to this page we talk to many people – some born into money, some who earn every penny themselves and others on benefits or low income. Each person comes with baggage from their backgrounds. People born into wealth tend to have parents who went to boarding school. I’ve met many people who were sent to boarding school from the age of seven – everyone i’ve spoken to experienced either sexual or physical abuse from teachers. They all knew people who had committed suicide, some had had nervous breakdowns, others are in theory ok but damage is still there (fear of figures of authority, a sense of not being good enough or feeling like they don’t deserve whatever thing that is opening up to them). The ones I’m meeting are all trying to heal themselves – generally without making their parents aware of what their childhood experience was like.

What is interesting is that within these families many parents decided their children would never board, after their own traumatic experience of being parted from their parents around the age of seven. However, the children were still in social circles where what you did was more important than connecting with someone on a deeper more human level. This pressure is prevalent in so many parts of our society.

The ones we are currently speaking to are really keen to do something for their local community – camping events, forest schools, renting their barns out to herbalists, willow weavers, carpenters. What they’re creating is incredibly beautiful.

Personally, I have come to the conclusion we mustn’t demonise or dismiss anyone because of their background. The most important thing is that everyone works hard, with the tools they’ve been given, to create a better world than our current one. If you’re from a low income family you can get active in your local area by planting veg on grass verges and start connecting with people you may not have spoken to before. If, for health reasons, you can’t be too physically active, you can organise clothes swaps or social gatherings. It doesn’t matter if only one person turns up – at least you’re doing something and you never know where that may lead you.

What I’m finding really binds people together is a hard work ethic. There’s no excuse to rest on your laurels at the moment and let others do the hard work. We don’t know how long we have left until the bankers ask for their money back from the government – will they take our pensions, our savings, our houses? We don’t know.

All we do know is that we have an opportunity to create a better world than our current one and we have to seize it with both hands. This isn’t the time to wait for someone else to save you. It’s the time to get active, help others or join with others to support each other. Be the change you want to see.

If you don’t like the money system research the other options but don’t demonise those who are taking responsibility for their finances. You don’t know where their path is taking them – they maybe helping set up communities, buying land to grow organic veg. If you’re angry at people who are trying to improve their finances ask yourself why – what have they done to deserve your anger? Or are you angry at them because of your dislike for the monetary system? It doesn’t matter – they aren’t bankers so they aren’t the root cause of the monetary system so let them be.

The media has a tendency to demonise those on benefits – we mustn’t then do the same to people who aren’t.

I feel money was introduced for malevolent reasons but in general I am now exchanging money with people on Joinavision and it feels different. Some don’t want payment and vice versa if we’re providing something but often one side insists on giving something as we know everyone has mortgages, rent, living costs to pay.

It becomes a positive exchange of energy. Darren Deojee explained to me, very early on in my journey, that people tend to demonise money because of the people behind it. Until we create a new system money is a part of what we need to survive this crazy world. Keeping that money in our own circles isn’t perfect but at least it’s a start.

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