Imagine if our medicine cabinet looked like this? Would you panic wondering where all the brightly coloured tablets were or would you know which herb or spice you needed for your ailment?
All pharmaceutical medicines come from plants – they are then altered and tampered with, a patent is placed on them and then sold to the NHS or the public (if people have to pay for their medicine) as the treatment that will help them. However, each of those tablets comes with side effects because of the chemicals that have altered them from a plant to a tablet. None of them cure you – none.
So why are we spending billions on tablets that don’t actually cure us from our ailments? Why aren’t we looking into our diet more to find out what is causing our inflammation?
Thankfully, there are more and more people learning about plants and their medicinal properties. It doesn’t take much looking to find a forager in your local area. We are planning on building a concise and informative page on our website that lists all the medicinal plants on our doorstep. Clover, dandelions, nettles are all plants we call ‘weeds’ in our gardens yet these are full of nutrition and great in teas.
Changing from a corporate led pharmaceutical model to a nature-based model is essential if we want to change our health and bring back the power into our own hands.