Ever since we began we’ve been passionate about changing the way we live.
Whenever you mention you want to live in community people throw their arms up in the air and say, ‘You want to live in a commune!’
We want to change people’s perception of what living in community means which we why we aren’t calling it Communal Living. Many people are really happy with where they live – they love their house and see no reason so up sticks to live with others. This is great news! All people need to do is get more active in their community – hosting workshops maybe, educational talks, social gatherings, mend and makers afternoons or get together with others to create their own local veggie patch, wild garden, quiz night. The options are endless.
Many other people are at a point in their lives they are fed up of the rat race and realise that by reducing their outgoings they can have a better work/life balance. One way is by joining with others who feel similarly frustrated and want to look into how working together can help achieve this.
Working on yourself is key is you want to explore communal living – no one is perfect and living with others is going to bring up any emotional issue you may have buried or are aware of but haven’t been able to deal with. It’s making sure you are aware this is going to happen and being in the right group to support you, and the community, in this journey.
A long weekend away with people exploring similar avenues will soon show who works well together and whether community living is for you or not.
We’d love to hear from people who would like to open their space up to others – maybe they have a studio they can rent out in the garden for living accommodation or for workshops. Or maybe you have a big garden you could have a caravan on? There is plenty we can do with some space.
For those really interested in taking the next step we have teamed up with the lovely Maggie Byrne who runs Cosy Quarters. She will help get you connected to others wanting to live a similar way of life and match you up to the right people in your chosen area. It’s a monthly subscription but money very well spent if you want support in changing your life in this way.
Good luck with your journey!