Those moments when your mind goes completely blank!
On Monday I took a trip to the dentist (to undo the damage previous dentists have done to my teeth). I was so glad I did because when I came out of the loo I had a complete blank. I looked at my hands, looked at the taps and hadn’t got a clue what to do. Imagine my gratitude when I saw this detailed explanation of how to wash my hands – the relief was immense! It took me a while to work through each step but I knew that each one was moving me closer to my goal of having nice clean, germ-free hands. I also had the foresight to take a picture so that I can print off and add them to all our sinks at home. Feel free to do the same.
Another dangerous situation averted!
My mum had a similar moment recently. During the hot weather she got up, got dressed and went to get in the car to go and play golf. Just as she was about to close the door the phone went. Whilst she was on the phone she checked her emails. Thank goodness she did! There was an email from her golf club explaining that it was going to be very hot that day and she’d need to wear sunscreen, a hat and bring a bottle of water. The relief she felt was huge – she had been just about to get in her car and leave without anything meaning she could well have died in the extreme heat!
That evening we both thanked our lucky stars that our state is so caring, keeps us safe and alive. Without our state I’m not sure either of us would be here to tell our tales.
What will we do when all the stickers are gone?
The only concern we have at the moment is that some of the pictures of feet that are all over our towns, stations and public places, are wearing off. I stand there confused, unsure where to put my feet. I’ll probably email the council later and let them know as I’m sure they are concerned too. I guess with budget cuts they are having difficulties but hopefully they will prioritise these caring measures that keep us all alive.
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