These photos were taken in the depths of winter but we’re coming a long way with our community hub. It’s sat empty for 9 years while the previous owners tried again and again to get planning permission for houses. The locals fought very hard and won – hooray! That gave us the opportunity to move in, renovate and start bringing some life into this neglected landmark.
Every week pubs are closing down and communities are losing a vital source of life that once gone won’t return. Having now bought a pub I can see the potential opportunities for people who have houses but work in jobs they don’t like. A pub costs less than a house but you often get land with it too. Sadly that’s why people see them as investment opportunities.
Maybe another option is to sell your house, ditch the job you don’t like and do something that will benefit you and the local community? There are now 14 of us involved in the pub – all passionate about what it will provide. There are only two financial investors, the rest are giving their time and energy which we are seriously short of with four children to home educate!
I can’t think of a better time to re-assess your life and make some dramatic changes to it. We stepped way out of our comfort zone but we haven’t looked back once.
What’s more the future looks incredibly exciting too.