My passion is working with children and their parents/guardians to bring forward the knowledge and wisdom children have for their soul mission and purpose in this lifetime.
Your child holds the keys to future wisdom of how this planet will evolve whether this is through their healing abilities, their teachings, their work with the planet, animals, holistic therapies. They are here to continue the building of the foundations of New Earth. They are the pioneers, the wayshowers, the leaders, the teachers, the guides and much more.
Your child knows more than you can ever imagine and they are here because of you, they chose you to carry them, birth them, love and nurture them because they knew you were the right people to do this and bring them to that knowledge, wisdom and understanding for their soul mission and purpose on Earth at this time, the most important time for Earth’s ascension to higher frequencies and a life of love, peace, bliss, harmony and all those beautiful, loving emotions.