The PHA Suffolk

For The People, by The People

The organic, people-led grassroots organisation creating an integrative healthcare model to heal, support & empower the people of the UK.

Tommy Rivers

CEO / Founder

If you’re not having fun with what you’re doing then you’re doing it wrong

Essence Of Power

Your life path is the mission imprinted onto your soul, the one you must awaken to in order for you to achieve fulfilment on earth. We are all here for different missions we are all created different to express and learn in different ways. But never forget we are all one from the same one and expression of the one. You are perfectly imperfect just the way you are created in your beautiful form. Love every part of you accept everything you see in the mirror when you look at yourself. You are here to express life by shinning bright and spreading the message of love , light and happiness by just being you and doing what makes your heart sing and light up. Everything we do in the power of love is a celebration of life.

PFFA People's Food And Farming Alliance

The People's Food and Farming Alliance

To revolutionise how we produce food to ensure healthier produce, using soil-friendly methods, within our local communities to limit logistical issues. We can do all of this whilst eradicating our reliance on global food infrastructure, largely controlled by national and international governments and global corporate entities.