Sustainable Farming

Alternatives that contribute to the whole

Imagine a world where going shopping meant a trip to a beautiful sustainable farm. One that is giving back to the earth just as much as it is taking. Where your children get to pick their own veg and see the process from field to plate.

This can be your reality and we can show you how.


Biochar – a process to trap carbon and replenish the soil. 

Adding biochar, a fine-grained charcoal, to garden soil replenishes nutrients, retains moisture and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Biodynamic – spiritual approach/uses nature and the astrological cycle

Natural farming 


Permaculture –  holistic/living in harmony with nature. 3 ethics, earth care, people care and fair shares. Its a lifestyle rather then just a gardening method.

Intensive Agriculture 

Regenerative Farming Practices

Mycorrhizal networks are right beneath us under the ground, they are created by fungi that connect individual plants together and transfer water, carbon,nitrogen and other nutrients and minerals. 

This network has been dubbed the “woodwide web,” as it is through the mycelium that trees connect and communicate with each other. Adding biochar, a fine-grained charcoal, to garden soil replenishes nutrients, retains moisture and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

It certainly did the business in the Amazon, where indigenous people traditionally used biochar to create wonderfully rich, deep black soils (Terra preta) near their settlements

Find your local regenerative farmer

Fellows Farm

Fellows Farm, is a 70 acre organically certified farm in Suffolk. Our two sites include a market garden, arable fields growing heritage cereals, a mill, vineyard, microbakery, weaving studio, campsite and 15 acres of permanent wildflower meadow. We’re focused on regenerating this soil by applying fermented plant teas, eliminating tillage and planting cover crops in rotation. We are dedicated to making and growing food that is healthy, for ourselves and for the planet, and sharing this process openly with as many people as possible.

Community Supported Agriculture. A farm producing food, restoring the soil, hosting community events, training agro-ecological practices based in Lutterworth, Leicestershire.



Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a partnership between farmers and consumers in which the responsibilities, risks and rewards of farming are shared. This incredible organisation is on a mission is to help create a CSA in every neighbourhood of the UK. To find one local to your please click on the link below.